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The Whole Person Revolution

Mar 28, 2023

Most of us have a movie in our memory banks that changed, forever after, the way we understand the nature of reality, of life in this world. Award-winning filmmaker Ben Rekhi has committed his talents to the conviction that movies are uniquely equipped to educate our emotions and shape our beliefs. Ben has directed...

Mar 21, 2023

Real and enduring social change can feel impossible when it seems our society has split into a million fragments. How does collective action succeed when our lenses are so individuated? Christy Vines founded the Ideos Institute to solve just this problem, discovering “empathic intelligence” as a strategic way...

Mar 14, 2023

“I try to solve inequality by day while contributing to it by night.” Many a professional do-gooder would have to acknowledge this paradox if forced to be honest. But not David and Amber Lapp, who, years ago, went to a working-class town in Ohio as researchers on love and marriage, only to stay as residents and...

Mar 7, 2023

Transformation happens at the speed of relationships. A familiar adage, maybe, but one we find inconvenient. Perceptive students of movements like Murdock Trust CEO Romanita Hairston live and lead with this truth as baseline. In this episode, Romanita reflects on the wisdom she’s gleaned from those historic patterns...